Let's Talk Tennis

Have some fun and help us shape the future of tennis in Oxfordshire!

Want to find out a bit more about Tennis Oxfordshire and our plans for 2024?

Fancy adding a few of your ideas for getting more people playing, better ways to support our clubs, coaches and players or to explore some new competition formats?

Or perhaps you would just like to compare experiences with some like-minded tennis enthusiasts over a drink and a bite to eat?

If so, then please come along and join us at our ‘Let’s Talk Tennis’ (6.30pm for 7pm start) on Wednesday 28th February in the Pavilion at North Oxford Lawn Tennis Club..

It will be a very informal get together with some food and refreshments and people from across tennis in the county.

If you’d like to join us or find out more, please drop us a line at info@tennisoxfordshire.co.uk and we’ll add you to the guest list.

A few questions and answers to help you make up your mind:

Why are we doing this?
We are Tennis Oxfordshire, the county association working closely with the LTA to deliver a strategy of Tennis Opened Up and to transform more communities through tennis.

We invest over £100k each year as part of a joint funding model between the LTA and Tennis Oxfordshire

We want to make sure we hear as many different voices from around the county as possible to help us make our plans for 2024/5 as strong, engaging and relevant as possible.

What can I expect if I come along?
A fun, social event with plenty of chance to meet people, chat and enjoy some food and refreshments!  

On top of that, three things:
 - A chance to learn a little bit more about what’s in our current plans
 - The opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas to shape future activities
 - For those who would like to, the chance to become more involved in bringing some of these to life.

Do I need any particular knowledge or experience?
Not at all. This event is for anyone who enjoys tennis (or even sport more generally), wants to find out more about what we do and is happy to join the conversation. 

Hope to see you there!

Chair, Tennis Oxfordshire

Event Date:

28 February 2024


Event Finishes:

28 February 2024


Event Entry Cost:

Free Entry


Tennis Oxfordshire


In the Pavilion at North Oxford Lawn Tennis Club.

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