May 22, 2024

10U Boys County Cup Report

Thame Tennis Club had kindly allowed the boys to train the week before on the artificial clay courts so they could adjust to the difference in surface compared the usual hard court. 

The boys arrived in beautiful sunshine with a full day of tennis ahead. Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Sussex were our group for the event. 

Up first were Sussex who we were sure on the level of their tennis. However, our boys got off to a blistering start before being pegged back and having some close battles. Joey came through a gruelling 3 set with Freddie & Samuel winning their first set in a tie break. Kiril only dropping one game finishing 4-0 against Sussex. Hertfordshire were 2nd and this would be a very tight battle. Allen and Kiril started off our campaign in superb style. Only dropping 2 games between them and really getting used to the difficulty in changing direction, using the width and also stepping in a bit more. Joey and Freddie had tough matches. Freddie playing some great tennis but narrowly losing out 3-10 and Joey maintaining a calm presence on court losing 0-4 2-4. We ended up 2-2 after singles. 

After the singles on Day 1 we then had the doubles where our boys really came into their own. Kiril/Allen got off to a slower start but after 2 games were straight into it, both players getting to the net, forcing their opponents into the higher risk shots. Both pairs would end up with a win and a 6-0 overall defeat to Sussex. 

We competed extremely well in the doubles against Hertfordshire, Samuel and Kiril winning an extremely close match which could have gone either way 4-3 4-3. Joey and Freddie also have a great battle but losing in the match tie break 4-10 with some great volleying from the opposition. This meant we needed a shootout to decide the winner of the tie. Kiril and Freddie although they were tired stepped up to the plate and kept their nerve against a difficult pair. They managed to come through and take the match shootout 10-7. Meaning Day 2 would be the battle for the National Finals. 

It was a glorious day again for tennis, all boys came nice and early prepped and ready to go. 

Both Kiril and Samuel got off to flyers. Samuel kept extremely calm in a difficult atmosphere and stayed very positive with his game style winning 4-1 4-1. Kiril also kept cool and was certainly a counter puncher during this match. He won 4-1 4-1. Freddie and Joey were straight on afterwards and a Joey taking the first set 4-1 at a lighting pace. Freddie had a dog fight in his first set just losing out 3-4. It was difficult against an opponent with very good hand skills and court coverage he lost 3-4 0-4. Joey was still fighting his way through the match after winning the first set his opponent started making more and more balls, forcing Joey to make the error. Joey lost a valiant effort 3-10 in the match tie break. This meant it all came down to the doubles. Both matches were close and very nervy but all the boys kept their cool, worked together and produced an amazing display of doubles winning 4-3 4-2 at No. 1 pair for Joey and Freddie. 4-1 4-3 for Kiril & Samuel clinching the title at the same time as taking the boys though to the National Finals in Bromley! It was a fantastic result for the boys after working so hard as a team, it is a true sign of their dedication and resilience to take Tennis Oxfordshire to the 3rd National Final in 4 years. 

It was a privilege looking after them all weekend and I hope we can go to compete and challenge at the National Finals! Well done Boys!

Josh Crossley, 10U Team Captain

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